2020 - Yusk Imai
22.05.20 ~ 07.06.20
“...even though we are looking forward to the future of technology and artificial intelligence and all that... I don’t think physical presence is replaceable... and I show that in a lot of the drawings... they’re kind of dismembered and alone... you know like they are eager for the presence of something or someone else...”
Organic future is the conclusion of some reflections about our future and how we interact with technology today, consequently affecting the ways we interact with each other. Of all the questions I’ve stumbled upon, one thing is for sure: nothing can replace physical presence.
Death has always had a strong presence in my work, I grew up in Brazil so my first perceptions regarding death were based on western culture. As I grew closer to my family in Japan, I began to learn about their vision of death, which completely freed my mind. Culturally it is not a taboo. Death is not a bad thing to talk about, sadness is part of the process and it can also be beautiful. Death being part of their own existence in such a natural way made a lot more sense to me.
Now, there is a new presence emerging. A shadow cast by the realms of Quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and digital consciousness. We’re watching the creation of an entirely new form of existence and it could be good or it could be bad, either way I believe it will share the stage of reality alongside Death.
- Yusk Imai