Backwoods Gallery

2020 - ROA



20.03.20 ~ 05.04.20

“Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature.”

− Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC ~ 43 BC)

The word ‘annihilation’ evokes a sense of finality. To be annihilated is to no longer exist, to experience total obliteration, to become a relic of a history, to live only in memory or fiction. Sadly, this is a concept we are becoming far too familiar with as international headlines and political discourse are increasingly dominated by accounts of natural disasters, the eradication of entire species and their habitats, and the irreparable damage industry is having on our natural environment.

Annihilation is ROA challenging us to contemplate our current climate discourse and quietly focus on, observe, and investigate nature. An invitation to reconnect to nature, to empathise, and as the dominant species recognise that the choice is ours alone to ensure all of nature’s survival, not just our own.